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What is a source of information?[]

The sources of information are various types of documents that contain useful data to satisfy a demand for information or knowledge. Know, distinguish and select the adequate sources of information for the work that is being carried out in part of the research process.

¿Classifications of information sources?[]

the sources of information are classified as: primary, secondary and tertiary.


Those that are established directly by its author and from which first-hand information can be obtained, such as the books that are created and edited by its own author, are considered as primary sources.


Are those that are constituted in primary sources analysis, that is, they are constituted in paraphrasing or in deductions, being auxiliary productions to the primary ones, sometimes their reason of being obeys to referential explanations.


These are considered references, and meeting points is why they are of great importance to the searchers that constitute a library of bibliographies. Conform:

General Sources[]


The general information source offers broad and basic information on a topic such as definitions, historical context or main exponents.

Among this type of source it is possible to find manuals, encyclopedias, dictionaries and general information magazines.

Specialized Sources[]

Specialized sources present information related to a specific subject or issue and are directed to a specific group.

Within this type of sources it is possible to find databases and specialized magazines.

According to the format or support of the information sources, these are classified as:

Textual Sources[]

The textual sources contemplate information that is presented in the form of text such as books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Audiovisual sources[]

Audio-visual sources include video or audio material such as CDs, DVDs, or multimedia

Digital Sources[]

They are all the sources that require the use of a digital device to access them; among these it is possible to find repositories of information, geographic information, etc.

According to the channel used, information sources are of two types:

Oral Sources[]

This type of information source does not appear in written form and it is necessary to go and look for it in the place where it is located.

Part of this type of information is oral accounts, testimonies, etc.

Documentary sources[]

The documentary sources consist of a report about an investigation carried out; they serve as a tool for communicating the results obtained and increase the body of knowledge in society.

Finally, the types of information sources are classified according to geographic coverage and refer mainly to primary sources:

International Sources[]

This type of source refers to an individual or institution from which information will be extracted and that is outside the country where the research is conducted.

National Sources[]

The type of national source identifies the individuals or entities that offer information and that are within the limits of the country where the study is conducted.

Regional or Local Sources[]

A regional or local source identifies a subject or organization that has information for our research and that is located in the same city in which the researcher works.

Although the typology of sources is functional for the design of an investigation, it is important to know that all the types mentioned are not mutually exclusive and can be combined.

A source can be at the same time, secondary, general and presented in digital format, which can be consulted on the Internet, as is the case of a report on the portal of a public entity.

The above types of information sources require the researcher to read carefully, understand and compare to choose the best sources.

Likewise, to take better advantage of the types of sources, the researcher must be coherent, impartial and set times for the collection of information.

In any case, the selection of types of information sources must be done considering three important principles: reliability, timeliness and correct extension.
